21세기 에큐메니칼 운동과 교회 일치의 과제 「교회: 공동의 비전을 향하여」(WCC, 2013)을 중심으로The Ecumenical Movement in the 21st Century and its Takes From the perspective of "The Church: Towards a Common Vision (WCC, 2013)"초록 This article aims to develop a theological understanding of “Church Unity” within the ecumenical movement of the 21st century. Historically, the World Council of Churches (WCC) is the broadest and most inclusive among the many organized expressions of the modern ecumenical movement. It is a movement whose goal ischurch unity. The ecumenical movement “Faith and Order” has its roots in a meaningful appropriation of the church heritage. “Faith and Order” has been working on bridging the differences of various church traditions. The churches formed the “Faith and Order” Commission in 1927.
As one of the many highly recognized documents, we can name the so-called Lima Document, Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (BEM, 1982), which has been serving to introduce and deepen the dialogue among various church traditions. One Baptism: Towards Mutual Recognition (2011) is an official study text of theFaith and Order Commission. It is a further development and explication of theinsights of Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry. The Church: Towards a Common Vision (2013) is a document of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches, which was presented to the WCC 10th Busan Assembly andrepresents the efforts of the churches of the past 90 years. This text has been developed over two decades, following the responses to BEM which identified ecclesiology as a key area of divergence among churches.
This study looks into these efforts for the greater goal of church unity and examines the meaning of this significant document with its suggestions for the current agenda. Furthermore, this study brings up suggestions for the ecumenicalmovement of the 21st century and identifies tasks to promote the unity of the churches in the Korean context, from the perspective of concrete situations the local churches are facing. 키워드Ecumenical Movement, World Council of Churches, Baptism, Encharist and Ministry, One Baptism, The Church: Towards a Common Vision, Church Unity, Faith and Order in Korea |