한신대학교 종교와과학연구센터(CRS)는 본격적으로 글로벌 수준의 신학과 과학의 풍요로운 대화, 학제간 대화와 융합연구를 통하여 미래 사회와 문명의 도전에 대한 비판적 성찰과 신학적 전망을 제시하고자 합니다.
Hanshin University has initiated a research project regarding the topics of theology and science. Through the project, the university intends to initiate interdisciplinary dialogues of the issue of science civilization in the 21st century. Hanshin University has been sharing its subjective and worldwide spirit of theology with the Korean society for the past 74 years. The Theology and Science Project is founded upon the rich theological traditions of Hanshin University.